RE: virus: Reaping what one sows...

Date: Wed Jan 02 2002 - 21:57:06 MST

> > It's only fundimentalist(sic) that are intollerant(sic) of other
> religions, other islamics
> > I've met are very tollerant(sic) towards other religions and none have
> ever put
> > a fatwa on me for not sharing their belief.
> Not sharing their belief has never been an offence in Islamic law, so that
> fact is hardly surprising. Try asserting to them that Muhammed was a blood
> steeped warlord best described as being on a par with Vlad Tepes, and you
> might elicit a rather different response. See also:
> However, your post
> makes use of a misleading and wholly inaccurate division of terms; namely
> between fundamentalists and other Islamics. As has been stated often enough
> within this forum, Islam has no tradition of exegesis and as such faith is
> far from being a matter of interpretation. Conversely, Islam at present
> lacks any ecclesiastical hierarchy in the way that the Catholic Church does,
> and as such is no position to impose Koranic interpretation onto believers:
> one if left with the precarious position of having a religion that demands
> fundamentalist interpretation from all muslims but lacks any means to
> achieve consensus as to what correct interpretation might be (i.e. the
> apparent inability of the Islamic world to make its mind up as to what is
> meant by the concept of jihad). That is an extremely volatile and dangerous
> predicament, which would seem ideal as a breeding ground for fanaticism.
To be precise, Richard's contention is true because there exists no one
within Islam who possesses or can even theoretically be granted the
ecclesiastical authority to tell Islamically inspired terrorists that their
literal interpretation of the sick, demented and twisted religio-ideological
xenophobia profferred in the Koran, or its numerous and zealous
admonitions for the true believers, under the stick-threat of hell and with
the carrot-promise of heaven, to convert, dhimmi-ize or kill all those
who do not accept it, are ethically, morally, or religiously (according to
the religion of Islam, that is) wrong. In fact, considering the life of that
bloodthirsty bastard Muhammed, they are quite likely correct. Islam
does NOT mean peace, it means submission; those who do not submit
to the Koranic and Muhammedally channelled will of Allah and become
the beserker fingers of his vile and violent hand are to be killed, along
with the rest of the rejectors, by those who do.

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