RE: virus: The universe

From: L' Ermit (
Date: Fri Jan 11 2002 - 11:19:55 MST

[Kalkor] Although, it's interesting that you would assert that life (and
intelligent life for that matter) can ONLY appear:
1)On planets
2)On planets comprised of higher elements
3)On planets capable of supporting biota

A principle of science is that the same laws exist throughout the Universe
(We cannot show evidence for other laws).

We can only draw scientific conclusions in the presence of evidence
necessitating a particular conclusion (In the absence of evidence nothing
can be disproved, thus <em>anything</em> would be possible with the
exception of the scientific method).

The evidence we have to date indicates that life is inevitable in a large
enough collection of appropriate raw materials and energy, but that it will
take a period of time which is dependent on the volumes and density of
material and energy involved, as the probability is that appropriate
molecules to seed the process (Amino Acids) will form and be destroyed in
isolation far more frequently than in the proximity required to "seed" the
process. This implies planetary or at least moon sized sources or many
billions of years (at least as long as the Universe has existed).

The above is especially true of any "cloud" type structure, where the
material density would be necessarily be lower than on a planet's surface.

The energy level appears to be fairly critical, too much and the molecules
will be ripped apart as they form, too little and they will never form in
the first place. Which suggests certain orbital distances for varying star
types. In a non orbital situation, other than perhaps a body heated by
internal decay or gravitational pressure, the energy density is unlikely top
remain sufficiently stable for life to develop and survive.

Once life has formed, the supporting environment has to remain under
conditions conducive to life <em>as we know it</em> for intelligent life to
arise (above rules and the fact that intelligence, being a "high cost
option" is unlikely to arise - and when it does, it is not a rapid process -
a fact supported by Terran history).

Any conclusions beyond this are not sustained by the scientific method,
although it can be fun to speculate about it.

I suggest that the facts available to us sustain Kirk's assertions.



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