virus: now, for the message bought to you by the last sponsor.

From: Steele, Kirk A (
Date: Sun Jan 20 2002 - 11:38:48 MST

It now becomes evident that there will likely be several emotive reactions
to the course of events as of late with regard to Chitren Nursinghdass.
There are likely to be people in this forum with extensive emotional
investments in the failings of Chit and his disastrous assertions.

There might also be the perception that any associations that have had the
misfortune of being proximal to either belief based knowledge or
dysfunctionally couched cognitions should be exempt from such consideration.
Guilt by association is a perceptual bias that places the bearer of such
unfortunate ideation in the position of precluding same from like
consideration through the most exhaustive and considered delivery prior to
release into the forum. Failing that, especially in a forum directed to the
"perusal" of abstractions of knowledge beyond the limits of mere esoterism,
one who let's loose ill considered errata should either be capable of
defending themselves, capitulation with grace, or simply shutting up.

Sympathy will not be proffered to any attempts at attaining an ascription of
guilt be relaying misplaced retractions of consensus to the forum. If
someone attributes malice to such protocols and summarily withdraws, that is
there own myopia, "throw it to the dogs, I'll non of it"

Participation is in the first instance a noble deed, unless such
participation is done out of malice. If such is entered into out of
dysfunction it might be tolerated, but by no means accepted. If it becomes
pathological, as it has, then it shall be called to task at every moment it
transgresses that gnomon of sensibility, that line in the sand, every time
it crosses the threshold of the Church of the Virus.

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