Re: virus: Memetics Again

From: Walter Watts (
Date: Tue Jan 29 2002 - 11:36:43 MST wrote:

> No, because memes inhabit and compete for space in an intentional
> environment (human brains and the recursive and meaning-creating,
> bestowing-and-apprehending minds which emerge from this complex
> material substrate) rather than in a natural and nonintentional
> environment, such as a terrestrial ecology. People actually intentionally
> deconstruct memeplexes into component memes and recombine them
> in novel ways for preconceived purposes (or just for the helluvit), rather
> than them just mutate at random without so much as a whiff of
> intentional human agency.

Given that the usefullness of any memetic deconstruction cannot be determined
until evidence of widespread selection for said deconstruction rears its obvious
head, then calling the process intentional is a tad anthropocentric, don't ya

The minds of most of the people I encounter on a day-to-day basis more closely
resemble, in terms of purpose, your natural, non-intentional terrestrial ecology
than a meaning-directed, intentional agency.

<stumbling about, trying things, bumping into dogma>
<<dog-damn, that dogma's hard, too>>

Walter Watts
Tulsa Network Solutions, Inc.
"To err is human. To really screw things up requires a bare-naked command line and
a wildcard operator."

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