RE: virus: Cannabinoid receptors and munchies : reprise

From: Kalkor (
Date: Thu Feb 07 2002 - 00:14:38 MST


Having retrieved

"Cannabis Culture", by Patrick Matthews,
(First published in Great Britain in 1999, Paperback edition 2000,
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc. 38 Soho Square, London W1V 5DF
A CIP catalogue record of this book is available from the British Library
ISBN 0 7475 48 52 8
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Printed in Great Britain by Clays Limited, St Ives plc)

I am able to

[quote page 103, 104]

Roger Pertwee adds that anandamine helps stimulate the
appetite, especially for sugary foods; to me his most interesting suggestion
is that anandamide, by limiting short term memory, performs an essential
role in preventing the brain getting clogged up with trivialities.

[snip again]

Well, that's a pretty good reason to get the munchies. Sometimes I forget
that I've just eaten something and start in again cause they get so bad ;-}

I smoke cigs, and that suppresses my appetite... some days I wouldn't even
eat at all if I didn't smoke a bit of the wacky tabaccy, and that became a
pretty good (in my clouded mind) excuse to do it regularly and often.

However, I also needed to smoke cigs when I smoked pot, and that just became
a vicious cycle in other ways. Here's what I've done recently, that has
started to reverse both effects: I quit smoking weed, and consequently don't
feel like smoking cigs as often. I switched to hand-rolling instead of
store-bought, which gives me several things:
1)I smoke less often because there's more hassle involved with sitting down,
takin out my pouch and papers, rolling up a cig, and lighting it(especially
behind the wheel, forget about havin a cig then).
2)I get more nicotine per cig than before and the cravings don't happen as
intensely or as often.
3)Instead of spending $4.00/pack/day, I spend $4.00/pouch/week.
4)How much of what does Phillip Morris et al put in cigs that aren't already
present in tobacco? I mean, come on, the tobacco and the act of burning and
inhaling it is bad enough, but what else is in there? I'm pretty sure it's
not in the hand-rolling stuff I get.
5)Less appetite suppression which means I'm able to expend less effort on
MAKING myself eat better. I don't have to so-rigidly stick to my schedule of
consuming *THIS* amount of food at *THIS* time.

Yeah, it sounds like justification, but I'm trying to wean myself off the
things. Quitting cold turkey introduced too much stress and mental/emotional
instability. Anyone got any non-chemical suggestions to help me wean myself
off further? The patch, the gum, and the pills are all proven assistants,
but I'd rather do this through training myself to replace the bad habits
with good ones. Stopping and doing pushups whenever I had the craving didn't
help too long, maybe I just need to do it religiously (hehehheeh) for a
month or two instead? Boy I'll have SOME pecs then.

I bring this up because feeding a harmful addiction is NOT living at level3.
So what is?

everyday searching for the why in what I do, and making progress ;-}

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