Re: virus: Israeli reservists join petition protest

From: Mermaid . (
Date: Fri Feb 08 2002 - 00:51:38 MST

[Hermit] Cross-list post. I'm not certain of the source. I submit it here as
it seems to address some of the issues raised by Joe Dees' attack on

[Mermaid]I read about this a couple of days ago and in several <non-US,
online> publications. Dont know about "CNN coverage"...

Reserve Combatants's letter: 200 have signed so far...

• We, reserve combat officers and soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces,

• who were raised upon the principles of Zionism, sacrifice and giving to
the people of Israel and to the State of Israel, who have always served in
the front lines, and who were the first to carry out any mission, light or
heavy, in order to protect the State of Israel and strengthen it.

• We, combat officers and soldiers who have served the State of Israel for
long weeks every year, in spite of the dear cost to our personal lives, have
been on reserve duty all over the Occupied Territories, and were issued
commands and directives that had nothing to do with the security of our
country, and that had the sole purpose of perpetuating our control over the
Palestinian people. We, whose eyes have seen the bloody toll this Occupation
exacts from both sides.

• We, who sensed how the commands issued to us in the Territories, destroy
all the values we had absorbed while growing up in this country.

• We, who understand now that the price of Occupation is the loss of IDF’s
human character and the corruption of the entire Israeli society.

• We, who know that the Territories are not Israel, and that all settlements
are bound to be evacuated in the end.

• We hereby declare that we shall not continue to fight this War of the

We shall not continue to fight beyond the 1967 borders in order to dominate,
expel, starve and humiliate an entire people.

• We hereby declare that we shall continue serving in the Israel Defense
Forces in any mission that serves Israel’s defense.
The missions of occupation and oppression do not serve this purpose – and we
shall take no part in them.


Other news articles no particular order....,4678,0-643685,00.html

[Mermaid]Some months ago, I read a news piece about an Israeli school girl
accusing Sharon of destroying her family because of his actions/decisions
during the Lebanon years ago. A few days ago, I read about Blair being
heckled by a young girl when he spoke about 'the evil of terrorism' in a
school. Something lit up inside my head...

[Mermaid] ocean the other news...

Universal Military Training and Service Act of 2001 (Introduced in the
HR 3598 IH
1st Session

H. R. 3598
To require the induction into the Armed Forces of young men registered under
the Military Selective Service Act, and to authorize young women to
volunteer, to receive basic military training and education for a period of
up to one year.

December 20, 2001
Mr. SMITH of Michigan (for himself and Mr. WELDON of Pennsylvania)
introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Armed

To require the induction into the Armed Forces of young men registered under
the Military Selective Service Act, and to authorize young women to
volunteer, to receive basic military training and education for a period of
up to one year

and more interestingly..:)


(a) OBLIGATION FOR YOUNG MEN- It is the obligation of every male citizen of
the United States, and every other male person residing in the United
States, who is between the ages of 18 and 22 to receive basic military
training and education as a member of the armed forces unless the citizen or
person is exempted under the provisions of this Act.

(b) ACCEPTANCE OF YOUNG WOMEN VOLUNTEERS- Female citizens of the United
States, and other female persons residing in the United States, who are
between the ages of 18 and 22 may volunteer for enlistment in the armed
forces to receive basic military training and education under this Act. At
the discretion of the Secretary concerned, the Secretary concerned may
accept such volunteers to receive such training and education.

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