RE: virus: Hello - did anyone see this in my last post?

From: Blunderov (
Date: Mon Feb 11 2002 - 22:34:28 MST

> Stop it with this durned evil-lution talk.
>I didn't come from no monkey-luvin!!


According to a 1991 opinion poll, a hundred million Americans believe that
'God created man pretty much in his present form at one time during the last
ten thousand years'. A large majority saw no reason to oppose the teaching
of creationism in schools. They followed in a long tradition. A text of
1923, [i] Hell and the High Schools [/i],
claimed that "The Germans that poisoned the wells and springs of northern
France and Belgium and fed little children poisoned candy were angels
compared to the text book writers and publishers who are poisoning the books
used in our schools... Next to the fall of Adam and Eve, Evolution and the
teaching of Evolution in tax-supported schools is the greatest curse that
ever fell upon the earth.

Fifty pieces of legislation tried to put a stop to the subject. All failed.
Undeterred Alabama called for a note to be pasted into textbooks. "This book
may discuss evolution, a controversial theory some scientists give as a
scientific explanation of living things, such as plants animals and
humans... No one was present when life first appeared on earth. Therefore,
any statement about life's origins should be considered a theory, not fact."
In 1999 The Kansas Board of Education voted to remove evolution from the
school curriculum and no doubt other states will try similar tricks.

[/quote] from "Almost like a Whale" (The Origin of Species Updated) Steve
Jones , A Black Swan Book : 0 552 99958 8.

Oh Toto!



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