Re: virus: Rich's Vegan Ethics? McAmerika Rex or You can have my steak when ...

Date: Tue Feb 26 2002 - 00:20:51 MST

<KS>Every wonder why meat tastes so danged great? Cuz that's how we evolved.

The very thought of eating meat makes me puke. The smell is disturbing and I
for one will never understand the point of it. Give me a nut cutlet and a
tofu sausage please......

[Jake] This is where I often start parting company with vegetarians, vegans,
etc. . . And of course I am not suggesting that this is where you are going
with it, but some people genuinely have different appetites, and it probably
comes down to something genetic. I for one do not really care for red meat
-- don't love it, don't hate it, can live my whole life without it, but if
that's what there is to eat, I'll eat it. But I LOOOVVE Chicken, Turkey, and
Seafood. I really don't know if I could bear the thought of never eating
birds and fish again. I mean I could simply say, "Hey, screw the whole pain
thing, they are just plain dumber -- especially turkeys." But I do try to
make a point of not making a virtue out of my own, probably genetic,
gastronomic predilections. And I think this is where arguments start getting
really unnecessarily strident and frequently irrational, because people
aren't really arguing from principles, but rather from their guts quite


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