Re: virus: purely metaphysical

From: Bill Roh (
Date: Fri Mar 22 2002 - 15:38:47 MST

rhinoceros wrote:

> [billroh2] \"If your god concept can defy logic and physics - then I say to you that god is the tuna sandwich I am eating, prove it is not\"
> [rhinoceros] I think I can prove it is not. Here is an argument of equal ingenuity: A reasonable person would never eat a tuna sandwich whose concept can defy logic and physics. It could be dangerous.
> [rhinoceros] Seriously, now, I don\'t think you can convince anyone believing in an \"omnipresent\" or \"all encompassing\" spiritual god by trying to apply the rules of the physical universe to their god.

That was my point exactly - Athe nonrex - is trying to give room to a god on the grounds that a god is inexplicable. And my point is that as soon as something is going to accepted as inexplicable regardless of
your abilities to explain the Universe around us, the argument becomes moot - cause logic is no reason is no longer an applicable rule in the discussion.

and besides, tuna sandwiches work in mysterous ways


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