virus: Re:History has not yet begun

From: rhinoceros (
Date: Sat May 18 2002 - 14:10:46 MDT


History has not yet begun
by Frank Furedi

I don't like it at all. I think this article is almost as bad as Fukuyama's views. The author keeps gazing at his navel, pretending that historical thinking is a product of the "intellectual imagination of humanity".

The author makes a point of distinguishing between history and historical thinking, so that he can ignore the true forces that produce history and cause historical thinking as well as the motives and intentional actions of the people or institutions that impersonate these forces.

>From that point of view, it is natural that the marginal role of rationality in society seems puzzling.

This message was posted by rhinoceros to the Virus 2002 board on Church of Virus BBS.

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