(no subject)

From: James Thompson (thompsonj@higgslaw.com)
Date: Mon Jun 03 2002 - 11:19:40 MDT


You wrote:
The trouble with the G-word is, in my view, that it has generally become
associated with a direct personal relationship between humanity and
[insert name of choice here] in which the Deity takes a personal (and
frequently disapproving) interest in the day to day let and doings of
his creatures.

This idea of "God" has the notion of Monarchy as a central metaphor; the
rule of a divine king, who, as is the wont of kings, gives to his
subjects the laws, most especially the "moral" laws, by which they must

(Often found closely attending the monarchy metaphor is the idea that
there are those in the community who are privileged authorities on the
minutiae of the intentions of the Deity.)

I agree with this and, in fact, this is largely the reason that I
abstain from participating in organized religion. I believe that there
is a force, I call it God, that has created existence and is itself,
this "is-ness." I believe that the idea of "God" has been corrupted by
those seeking personal glorification and power and many people tend to
use a false assertion that they have some privileged communication or
relationship with this force to further their own personal interest
and/or control people. I do not find it beneficial to myself to allow
this unfortunate flaw within human nature to obscure the true purity
behind the concept, a concept which I believe every being has an innate
knowledge of. I do not believe in complete moral subjectivity. I
believe that there are objective moral laws that coincide with the same
practices that will cause the happy thriving of the species and these
are not and should not be imposed on any member of the species, but
rather will be witnessed within all humanity if/when we become more
highly evolved on a collective scale.

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