virus: "Human Rights" self-organizing network protocol

Date: Fri Jun 14 2002 - 11:09:31 MDT

Enumeration of Fundamental Human Rights

Are you tired of being kicked around? Are you tired of being abused by people who think they are better than you? Are you tired of being treated like something less than human? Then you should know that you have some Fundamental Human Rights! Your Fundamental Human Rights are not a list of indulgences to be granted you at the whim and good graces of those exercising coercive power over you. These Fundamental Human Rights state the conditions of personal autonomy, integrity, and dignity hereby identified, declared, and demanded as necessary to our definition of our "Human" condition; and they are to be incorporated in writing, without equivocation or delay, as the explicitly declared constitutional centerpiece of every human government in existence, and implemented and protected by that government as its raison de d'etre.
As the definitive list of considerations we demand of each other for ourselves as individuals, this Enumeration of Fundamental Human Rights is also the definitive list of considerations that we as individuals are obliged to grant each other. Therefore, it is your responsibility and duty as a human citizen to learn and understand these Fundamental Human Rights so that you may reliably and rigorously apply them to your interactions with other human beings, and so that you may quickly recognize when they not being applied by others on your behalf. As a citizen of the society realized by the implementation of this document, it is your duty to promptly report to those officers of legitimate government designated and trained for enforcement of these Fundamental Human Rights any activity you are witness to that, in your good judgment, may eminently endanger these Rights with regard to yourself or other human beings.
At public expense, a copy of this pamphlet must be issued and kept readily available to every human being on this planet so that none might claim ignorance of its mandate.
(The engineering principle invoked by the implementation of this document is its operation as a standard rule-set protocol, defining mutually compatible and complementary channels for the momentum routing activities of each human actor in our self-organizing societal network of human nervous systems. These Fundamental Human Rights function as linguistically specified boundaries within which compliant human resource acquisition strategies might operate in a mutually complementary fashion. Enjoy your new network!)

I. Each person has the Right to Freedom from Arbitrary Law, this being any government-enforced restrictions not designed expressly and demonstrably for the defense of these Fundamental Human Rights.

II. Each person has the Right to Life.

III. Each person has the Right to an Environment that is Conducive to their health, dignity, prosperity, and to the perpetuation of our species in this universe. The biological and other natural resources of this planet will be managed according to the best of our scientifically informed wisdom for the maximum utility of all living human beings, and to ensure their enjoyment by our progeny in perpetuity. This requirement will inevitably entail the determination of intelligent, responsible and equitable reproductive management practices, and dutiful adherence to these practices by every person as our responsibility to each other and to our progeny.

IV. Each person has the Right to Primary Jurisdiction Over one's Own Body.

V. Each person has the Right to Primary Jurisdiction Over the Fruits of one's Personal Productivity.

VI. Each person has the Right to Privacy in one's Person, Property, and Communications.

VII. Each person has the Right to informed consent regarding matters that pertain to one's personal well being, in terms of one's body, one's property, and one's private communications.

VIII. Each person has the Right to Freedom of Thought, and to express one's Opinion.

IX. Each person has the Right to Freedom of Association with other individuals, the Rights of its individual members accruing to the Association as an Entity.

X. Each person has the Right to Equal Access to a Public Standard of Education based solely on Scholastic Merit.

XI. Each person has the Right to equal opportunity for employment based solely on criteria relevant to performance of the work in question. Compensation will be specified exclusively in terms of job performance measures.

XII. Each person has the Right to be educated, at public expense and at the earliest opportunity, in the content and application of these Basic Human Rights.

XIII. Each person has the Right to Freedom of Access to Information that has a Bearing Upon one's Present and/or Future Well-Being, and to be Informed by those knowledgeable when Such Information Exists.

XIV. The individual has the Right to Freedom of Movement within the Boundaries Defined by the Sanctity of the Rights of Others.

XV. The individual has the Right to a Government who's Primary Purpose is to Ensure, and to Further Identify and expand upon These Rights as mandated by the citizenry.

XVI. The individual has the Right to An Equal Voice in Determining the Officials Who Are Charged With Carrying Out This Purpose (Right XV), i.e. the Right to a Democratically elected Government.

XVII. The individual has the Right to Freedom From Any Obligation To Observe Any Morality or Ethical Code Other Than The One Embodied by These Fundamental Rights, namely:

 "Thou Shalt Not Violate The Rights Of Others."

All laws shall be corollaries of this Ethic. This morality code may be augmented, but not supplanted, by other morality codes at the discretion of the individual.

XVIII. The individual has the Right to an Effective Remedy by Competent Official Tribunals for acts violating these Fundamental Rights.

XIX. The individual has the Right to a fair and public hearing by a jury of one's fellow citizens, in the determination of one's Rights and obligations regarding any criminal charges.

XX. It is the Office of the government to provide for the security of indigent individuals at a minimal level that preserves human dignity, this "level" to be determined by due democratic processes, and to provide assistance to the voluntary initiatives of, and on behalf of those individuals toward achievement of self-reliance.

Because the defining logic of Human Rights is that they must be applied equally to all, by all, in order to operate as such, the "criminal" (hereby defined as one) who chooses to violate these Fundamental Human Rights with regard to others relieves others of the obligation to recognize these Fundamental Human Rights with regard to oneself. The responsibility for nullification of one's Fundamental Human Rights thus devolves to the individual. The Primary Obligation of the Government at that point is to deprive the criminal of one's capacity to further engage in that activity, by whatever means are publicly deemed necessary for that purpose.

"Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth." [Mathew 5:5], Etc.

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