Re: virus: Henry Kissinger on Iraq

From: Archibald Scatflinger (
Date: Sat Sep 07 2002 - 00:13:31 MDT

But the biggest threat comes from the inner elite of the globalist societies. Within hours of the attack, the television and radio airwaves were full of ranking Council on Foreign Relations members, such as Henry Kissinger, Wesley Clark, Alexander Haig and Strobe Talbot. Talbot, President Clinton's deputy secretary of state, told Time magazine in 1992, "In the next century [today], nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority."

There is no longer any question that powerful people had foreknowledge of the terrorist attacks. Look at the stock market irregularities, the Fortune 500 CEO's being whisked away before tragedy struck, or the military and political figures being told not to board planes that fateful morning.

Dan Rather: Today the Rothschild banking family decided that steps will be taken to implement a U.N. sanctioned World Tax. Here's John Roberts with the details.
John Roberts: That's right, Dan. Upon orders from N. M. Rothschild in London, David Rockefeller telephoned President Bush and let him know that at some point next year, he'll agree to start a smokescreen in unison with Congress to vote in favor of the U.N.'s World Tax. Zbigniew Brzezinski and Henry Kissinger also entered the picture, with Kissinger writing your script for you, Dan, while Brzezinski briefed Bush on everything he would tell the American people at his next State of the Union Address. Back to you, Dan.
Dan Rather: In other news, Frankfurt's Warburg financial family sent an edict to American's Alan Greenspan, director of the privately-owned monopolistic Federal Reserve CORPORATION, telling him to raise the prime lending rate, thus creating billions of dollars in profits for all the leading stockholders.

As the U.S. military-industrial complex sells more and more advanced weaponry to Israel, Indonesia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Colombia, Pakistan, India, and Nepal and as more and more ethnic and religious minority groups, poor villagers, nomads, urban laborers, and sustenance farmers are massacred by national armies in the pay of ruling oligarchs and multinational corporations, will America's leaders care? No, it's good for business. After U.S. snubbing of the International Criminal Court (to protect war criminals like Henry Kissinger), Conventions on child soldiers and land mines, long-held international nuclear test-ban treaties, international protocols involving HIV/AIDS and global warming, will America's leaders care? No. When the Turkmens, Uzbeks, Afghans, Pakistanis, Azeris, Kurds, Turks, and Georgians tire of the special treatment that US Special Forces receive for guarding gas and oil pipelines -- and the young troops are killed-- will America's leaders notice? No.

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