Re:virus: yet another view

Date: Sun Sep 08 2002 - 20:07:27 MDT

On 8 Sep 2002 at 19:23, Hermit wrote:

> Hmmm, so now we are going to enforce UN resolutions? And Iraq is
> allegedly in violation of 16. Below are the resolutions relating to
> Israel. Want to count how many are still in violation? Shouldn't we go
> after the "major criminals" first?
> Notice that the following list does not include "blocked resolutions"
> where the United States has used its veto - 38 times by my count - to
> protect Israel from condemnation. Worth also bearing in mind that two
> thirds of all Palestinian people, over five million in number,
> continue to represent the largest and oldest group of refugees in the
> world. The Palestinian right to return to their homes has been
> affirmed over 110 times by the U.N. General Assembly. Israel ably
> assisted by the US is still in violation of this. The US has been
> responsible for blocking more Security Council Resolutions than any
> other nation. The US has also weakened international law by
> abbrogating the treaty of Vienna and other treaties, and undermining
> the capability of the UN to act. The US regularly ignores UN
> resolutions and assists in their violation including the violation of
> resolutions it has formally endorsed. This doesn't just happen for
> Israel, although that is the most glaring example. East Timor is
> another, as is Panama. US-backed atrocities in East Timor have gone
> well beyond that which has been attributed to Saddam Hussein - in
> briutality and in numbers eliminated.
> As something to consider before scrawling an anguished response, I
> have already provided sufficient evidence that in the few cases where
> it did not appear that Israel instigated the attacks on her neighbors,
> that it is acknowledged by Israelis that they provoked the attack. So
> please don't trot out the excuse that Iraq poses a threat to other
> nations, but that Israel does not.
        Of course the ferocity and depth of your hatred for both the US
and Israel was bound to come to the fore, but the fact that you hate
them so much is no reason for them to allow a murderous and
irresponsible despot, who hates the US and Israel no less than you do,
if not more, and has used WMD's before, on both his own citizens and
those of another country, to develop nukes just to please you. A vile
and vicious tu quoque is just a version of an ad hominem fallacy - didn't
you know that? If I was to indulge in same, I could point out that more
Jews have been expelled from Muslim countries than vice-versa, and
that many more Palestinians have been murdered by Muslim
governments than ever died at Israeli hands. And the largest group of
stateless people are not the Palestinians, but the Kurds, whom
Saddam has gassed and slaughtered in Iraq. But one could not pry you
from your visceral anti-US and anti-Israel animus with a titanium
crowbar, nor can many in the UN be separated from their emotional
investment in US- and Israel-bashing, which explains many of the
resolutions. The US was the real target of many of them; its support
for Israel was simply used as a club with which to diplomatically bash it.
Of course, that same US government that Hermit condemns for
greenlighting Indonesian oppression in East Timor when in fact a rogue
member of the US military gave an unauthorized assent to an
Indonesian policy there to which the US government was diametrically
opposed, and deposing a drug-dealing, sword-waving despot in
Panama after fulfilling a promise to cede them a strategically important
canal that the US largly built, is not given any credit whatsoever by the
Hermster for protecting Muslims in Bosnia, Kosovo and northern and
southern Iraq, for liberating them in Kuwait, and for having its troops
murdered trying to feed them in Somalia.

Your hatred for the US has poisoned your mind to the point that you are
no longer capable of logical cogitation where she is concerned.

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