virus: Re:Dawkins: The future looks bright

From: Kharin (
Date: Mon Jun 23 2003 - 04:23:07 MDT

  • Next message: Kharin: "virus: Re:Cultural Presuppositions and Misreadings"

    "This means that quite understandably, for most atheists, the attribute is not important to them unless it is challenged, and even then, as Dawkins observes, they might label themselves with something less socially frowned upon."

    Agreed. Memetic success largely depends on the extent to which the label fits. The parallel to gay rights, which Dawkins largely elides is instructive in the sense that there was no consensus as to whether gay or queer was preferred as a term. The risk is that an umbrella term that can reach consensus is likely to be rather mediocre (and in truth, bright is a bit twee), whereas something more creative is less likely to gain consensus.

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