RE: virus: GIA

From: Kalkor (
Date: Thu Jul 10 2003 - 11:31:26 MDT

  • Next message: "virus: Where in Hell do you belong?"

    Oh my, you've just filled my reading list for the next 6 months, playing
    catch-up. Thank you for this awesome link, Joe!

    Gotta start local... hmmmm, portland industry and government...


    -----Original Message-----
    > Read below to learn how two guys from MIT are playing
    > tit for tat with the
    > politicians with a Government Information Awareness
    > (GIA) system. And learn how
    > they turned up the heat a notch over the Independence
    > Day weekend.
    > At the end of the article, we'll give you a link so
    > you can check out this
    > fun sight for
    > yourself.
    > =============================================
    > <A HREF="">Open
    > Government Information Awareness
    > </A>
    > Website turns tables on government officials
    > By Hiawatha Bray
    > Published in the Boston Globe 7/4/2003
    > Annoyed by the prospect of a massive new federal
    > surveillance system, two
    > researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of
    > Technology are celebrating the
    > Fourth of July with a new Internet service that will
    > let citizens create dossiers
    > on government officials.
    > The system will start by offering standard background
    > information on
    > politicians, but then go one bold step further, by
    > asking Internet users to submit
    > their own intelligence reports on government
    > officials -- reports that will be
    > published with no effort to verify their accuracy.
    > "It's sort of a citizen's intelligence agency," said
    > Chris Csikszentmihalyi,
    > assistant
    > professor at the MIT Media Lab.
    > He and graduate student Ryan McKinley created the
    > Government Information
    > Awareness (GIA) project as a response to the US
    > government's Total Information
    > Awareness program (TIA).
    > Revealed last year, TIA seeks to track possible
    > terrorist activity by
    > analyzing vast amounts of information stored in
    > government and private databases,
    > such as credit card data. The system would use this
    > information to analyze the
    > actions of millions of people, in an effort to spot
    > patterns that could indicate
    > a terrorist threat.
    > News of the plan outraged civil libertarians and
    > prompted Congress to set
    > limits on the scope of such activity. The Defense
    > Department then renamed the
    > program Terrorist Information Awareness, to ease
    > public concern.
    > But the controversy gave McKinley the idea for the
    > GIA project. "If total
    > information exists," he said, "really the same effort
    > should be spent to make the
    > same information at the leadership level at least as
    > transparent -- in my
    > opinion, more transparent."
    > McKinley worked with Csikszentmihalyi to design the
    > GIA system. It's partly
    > based on technology used to create Internet indexes
    > such as Google. Software
    > crawls around Internet sites that store large amounts
    > of information about
    > politicians. These include independent political
    > sites like, as
    > well as sites run by government agencies. McKinley
    > created software that ferrets
    > out the useful data from these sites, and loads it
    > into the GIA database. The
    > result is a one-stop research
    > site for basic information on key officials.
    > The site also takes advantage of round-the-clock
    > political coverage provided
    > by cable TV's C-Span networks. McKinley and
    > Csikszentmihalyi use video cameras
    > to capture images of people appearing on C-Span,
    > which generally includes the
    > names of people shown on screen. A computer program
    > "reads" each name, and
    > links it to any information about that person stored
    > in the database. By
    > clicking on the picture, a GIA user instantly gets a
    > complete rundown on all
    > available data about that person.
    > The GIA site constantly displays snapshots of the
    > people appearing on C-Span
    > at that moment. If there's a dossier on a particular
    > person, clicking on the
    > picture brings it up. A C-Span viewer watching a live
    > government hearing could
    > learn which companies have contributed to a member of
    > Congress's reelection
    > campaign, before the politician had even finished
    > speaking.
    > All of the information currently on the site is
    > available from public
    > sources. But GIA will go one step further. Starting
    > today, the site will allow the
    > public to submit information about government
    > officials, and this information
    > will be made available to anyone visiting the site.
    > No effort will be made to
    > verify the accuracy of the data.
    > This approach to Internet publishing isn't new. It
    > resembles a method known
    > as Wiki, in which a website is constantly amended by
    > visitors who contribute
    > new information. The best known Wiki site,
    >, is an online
    > encyclopedia created entirely by visitors who have
    > voluntarily written nearly
    > 140,000 articles, on subjects ranging from astronomy
    > to Roman mythology. Any
    > Wikipedia user who thinks he has spotted an error or
    > wants to add information can
    > modify the article. Unlike at a standard encyclopedia
    > operation, there is no
    > central authority to edit or reject articles.
    > The GIA approach, though, raises the possibility that
    > people could post
    > libelous information, or data that unreasonably
    > compromises a person's privacy.
    > That troubles Barry Steinhardt, director of the
    > Technology & Liberty Program
    > of the American Civil Liberties Union. "We think that
    > there should be some
    > restrictions on the publishing of personally
    > identifiable information, whether it
    > involves government officials or not," he said.
    > But he noted that the public has a right to know some
    > things about a
    > politician that would be properly kept private about
    > an ordinary citizen. For
    > instance, voters have a right to know where a
    > politician sends his children to school,
    > if that politician has taken a strong stand on school
    > vouchers.
    > "Do they have the right to publish every piece of
    > data they're going to
    > publish?" Steinhardt asked. "It's going to depend on
    > what they publish."
    > In any case, Steinhardt said, McKinley and
    > Csikszentmihalyi have a First
    > Amendment right to set up the GIA project. And he
    > said that it's a valuable
    > response to the government's TIA surveillance. "I
    > assume the point of this is,
    > turnabout is fair play."
    > On a page of the GIA website, at
    >, McKinley and
    > Csikszentmihalyi give their answer to questions about
    > the legitimacy of their actions.
    > "Is it legal?" the site reads. "It should be."
    > -----
    > If you think in pictures like I do and you think GIA
    > is a delicious idea,
    > you'll
    > appreciate the link called "Inspiration."
    > Jim Babka, President
    > American Liberty Foundation
    > |*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|
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