virus: Re:Jobs and Human History

From: athe nonrex (
Date: Fri Jul 25 2003 - 19:49:10 MDT

  • Next message: athe nonrex: "virus: Re:The law and what might have been"

    [quote from: Hermit on 2003-07-25 at 13:33:39]
    I don't think that withdrawal is that easy, for a multitude of reasons. Some being: There is no Us and Them. We share genes and a planet. So \"their\" pain is ours. In any case, cleaning up afterwards may well be more expensive than prevention.

    Kind Regards


    forgive the confusion...

    i didn't intend to iply that "withdrawl" would be easy, just that it would be the easiest idea to think of; the one that would require the least amount of explaining.

    mo cara,

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