Re: virus: Re:The End of Freedom: Enforced Conformity

From: Keith Henson (
Date: Mon Aug 18 2003 - 17:46:14 MDT

  • Next message: Dr Sebby: "Re: virus: Re:The End of Freedom: Enforced Conformity"

    At 01:47 AM 18/08/03 -0600, you wrote:

    >With all of the furor some of Blunderov's fine posts run the risk of being
    >missed. I recommend them. One of them contained the
    >following (though I'm not sure where it is from. Blunderov, if you see
    >this, please drop me a line and I'll update it on the BBS):
    >Anarchist Website Puts Man in Jail
    >Should a person go to jail just for linking to websites that post
    >information about how to make bombs? That appears to be the position of
    >the United States government. Sherman Austin has been sentenced for
    >doing just that - he pled guilty to "distributing information related to
    >explosives" because he was afraid that he would be charged under
    >anti-terrorism laws, a designation that might put him in a deep, dark
    >hole from which he would never be heard from again.
    >Newsday reports:

    I suppose linking here would get you in trouble:

    Keith Henson

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