virus: Four Times The Power of One - & Spicy Civic Goodness

From: Hermit (
Date: Tue Sep 02 2003 - 04:38:16 MDT

  • Next message: Jonathan Davis: "RE: virus: Fred Reed on Religion..."

    wget -O - | sed -n 's!.*user=[^>]*>\\([^<]*\\)</a>.*userID=\\([0-9]*\\)>\\([.0-9]*\\)</a>.*q=e.*>\\([.0-9]*\\)</a>.*right>\\([.0-9]*\\).*!\\1,\\3,\\4,\\5,\\2!p' | sort -t , -k 2nr,2 > r

    Returns in CVS format to r, sorted by Reputation:
    userName, Reputation, Influence, Equity, userID


    wget -O - | sed -n 's!.*<a href=\\(.*=voteResults;[^>]*\\)>\\([^<]*\\).*!\\1!p' | wget -O - -i - | sed -n 's!.*Voters: \\([^<]*\\).*!\\1!p' | sed 's!\\([^,]*\\),!\\1\\n!g' | sed 's! !!g' | sed -n ':x;p;n;/./bx;:z;n;/./!bz;i\\' | sort | uniq -c > v

    Returns userName prefixed by repeat count of how many votes are present


    cut -d , -f 1 r | sed 's! !!g' | sed 's!\\(.*\\)! 0 \\1!' | sort > u

    returns all usernames in u prefixed by 0


    sort -r -k 2,2 v u | uniq -s 8 | sort -nr

    returns spicy civic goodness (number of times each user is shown as having voted) to stdout

         28 WalterWatts
         27 rhinoceros
         27 Ophis
         27 Hermitess
         26 DrSebby
         25 goomba
         25 ElvenSage
         25 DavidLucifer
         24 referent
         24 prometheus
         24 outlawpoet
         24 Kid-A
         23 JakeSapiens
         22 Warlock
         22 thebricoleur
         22 RavenBlack
         20 Kharin
         20 Hermit
         20 Blunderov
         19 irvken
         18 Smucker
         18 Flux
         17 Feagwath
         15 opsima
         14 Sat
         12 RenegadeSocial
         10 JerryLee
          9 LukianTheWizard
          8 JoeDees
          7 Tywick
          7 Rhysenn
          7 Kalkor
          6 celindra
          5 RD
          4 jubungalord
          3 Zloduska
          3 nrv8
          3 JonathanDavis
          2 tabsa
          2 Demon
          0 Pedro
          0 michelle
          0 localroger
          0 crw
          0 athenonrex

    Hermit raises his eyebrows when he discovers that the names shown as having voted appear not to include abstentions! Or perhaps there is some other glitch.

    This message was posted by Hermit to the Virus 2003 board on Church of Virus BBS.
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    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.5 : Tue Sep 02 2003 - 04:38:54 MDT