virus: A debate challenge.

From: Mermaid (
Date: Thu Sep 25 2003 - 17:36:48 MDT

  • Next message: rhinoceros: "virus: A smart little game"

    I present the members of CoV with a challenge to debate.............

    ..............................with themselves!

    This is what we will do. We pick up a topic. Instead of picking up one side and arguing against someone, why dont we try to argue against ourselves. This could be a good exercise for cultivating empathy. Surely, we have come across situations in our lives where we 'can see' the other's point of view even though we dont agree with it ourselves. Sometimes, we dont. Granted, sometimes, there can be no 'other side' when our convictions are strong. But are our convictions strong all the time?

    Normally, I'd choose a political debate topic. Thats probably not a good idea atm.

    Topic #1: The case for and against monogamy.

    If you have a strong opinion for or against monogamy, this isnt your playground. If you have strong opinions for monogamy AND against monogamy or if you cant decide, please feel free to add to this thread. Noone will be addressing anyone else. To tackle an individual's pov, a new thread can be started.

    There shall be two parts to each post. The first section arguing FOR monogamy. The second section AGAINST monogamy. Remember, dont use four sentences when you can communicate the same in just one sentence. The arguments must be devoid of personal details and must be rationally argued. Anything presented as 'facts' need to show sources.

    The floor is now open.

    This message was posted by Mermaid to the Virus 2003 board on Church of Virus BBS.
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