virus: Re:Getting a reputation

From: Hermit (
Date: Sat Sep 27 2003 - 01:34:44 MDT

  • Next message: Jake Sapiens: "virus: CoV presidential approval."

    [ElvenSage] I think the "resistance is futile" statement might be true, but on the other hand, I do not think it should be that way.

    [Hermit] It is true, but I don't think you should view it as something bad. As I said,objecting to the system itself is futile, when the key to changing it is in your hands as much as anyone else's.. Objecting is futile, but suggestion and possibly helping to implement changes is not. Those involved in the reputation system have the ability to change its form. All Virians are invited and in fact are strongly encouraged to join the reputation system and become involved in this process. Surely those who don't become involved are accepting it through their inaction and those who are able to determine its form should have no grounds for objection? So what is the point of objection?

    [ElvenSage] Doesn't that destroy helping the evolution of the CoV? Just a thought.

    [Hermit] I don't think so. As I see it, the reputation system is a mechanism for introducing self-directed evolutionary change. Everyone involved in the reputation system plays a role in determining how we evolve. All that the system has done is establish a collective, collaborative mechanism for determining the meaning of "fittest" and a methodology for evolving evolutionary strategies. I anticipate that our evolution will become faster, and vastly more rational in consequence of these changes. In addition, by instantiating a mechanism designed to allow us to present ourselves more effectively, we should see our growth increase dramatically. Which helps us to propagate our memeplex. Those actively involved in doing so, will hopefully see a very immediate reward, further encouraging the involvement of others in "helping our evolution."

    Kind Regards


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