RE: virus: "Brights" more destructive than good / WSJ attacks atheism

From: Kalkor (
Date: Mon Oct 13 2003 - 10:49:52 MDT

  • Next message: David Lucifer: "virus: Re:"Brights" more destructive than good / WSJ attacks atheism"

    I don't self-identify as a "bright" but I can see their point in trying to
    get away from derogatory labels the way other groups have done. My
    interest in memetics and evolutionary psychology (try sex drugs cults in
    Google) has led me to a profound appreciation of religions and their
    functions. Alas, for me the ability to appreciate a tree seems to
    preclude being one.

    Yeah, it certainly does suck that we're stuck with a label that begins with
    the 'a-' prefix, which tends to imply a negative rather than a positive. It
    also seems that a lot of people out there don't really understand what
    'atheist' means. I had a conversation with someone in the #virus channel a
    while back about this; I can't remember who it was, but they were talking
    about someone and saying "they are both an atheist and a theist: they DON'T
    believe in X religion, but they do believe in Y religion. So therefore they
    are both an atheist and a theist."

    This is not possible, if I understand correctly. Atheism is the absence of
    theism, plain and simple. As Keith points out, this gives us an advantage of
    perspective. It's up to each and every one of us to USE that advantage to
    our own benefits and to the benefit of that which we feel is 'important' in


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