virus: Re:"Brights" more destructive than good / WSJ attacks atheism

From: rhinoceros (
Date: Tue Oct 14 2003 - 21:19:18 MDT

  • Next message: Kharin: "virus: Re:"Brights" more destructive than good / WSJ attacks atheism"

    The issue with Kant is a utilitarian one. Not "was he right", which is clearly subjective, but it it useful to view the world through Kant colored glasses? What can you derive from it? And vice-versa regarding Russel.

    Utilitarianism aside, what Russell and Goedel were trying to figure out here was the problem of what Mathematics, and Logic in particular, really are. They are not physical objects, are they? A tempting easy answer would be that they are pure ideas (which would nicely suit Kant's idealism). Another one is that they are some kind of "properties fo the physical world" or "relations between things" which exist by themselves out there.

    I think Goedel tried to look deeper into what Kant was saying and after putting aside his idealism he did see something about a relation between the perception we have evolved and things like logic. I used to reject Kant too, but take a closer look at what Godel is saying. More later.

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