Re: virus: Forgotten posting (Easter Island)

From: Erik Aronesty (
Date: Mon Oct 27 2003 - 06:53:15 MST

  • Next message: rhinoceros: "virus: Re:Minimum wage"

    Humanity creates structures of cooperation when it is forced to share resources. Not all structures are equal however, and most do not last very long. The natural conequence of stability is memetic speciation. That is, increasing ideological polarization within the stable whole. Occasionally this result is two compatible ideologies that fill viable niches. The United States is the oldest democracy in the world. Our political system has long since degraded into a duopoly. The majority of our political leaders were born into wealthy families and never had to work a day in their life. In ordert to justify their good fortune, they are falling back into genetic justifications of superiority. Obviously memetics, not genetics, is responsible for success in our modern world. Unfortunately, most of the ruling class is closed to any sort of advanced thinking in this area.

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