Re: virus: Democracy at Risk

From: Erik Aronesty (
Date: Sat Jan 24 2004 - 22:20:02 MST

  • Next message: Erik Aronesty: "virus: Grapevine needed"

    It's not very hard to make a voting system secure. I've talked to a lot of experts on it.

    Old article that needs some revision:

    At the CVD conference in D.C., I met a lot of people who would work on it. Some said they'd volunteer if the project had funding. My congressman, Nadler, would back it if we could come up with the cash.

    I figure I'd need a couple hundred thousand to do it right...and comply with all the relevant laws.

    I've just been too lazy about it.

    Does anyone want to help out on it? I need someone to keep me on top of it/organize stuff.

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