Re: virus: Truth and Fiction

From: Erik Aronesty (
Date: Wed May 26 2004 - 09:22:10 MDT

  • Next message: Erik Aronesty: "Re: virus: Warning Signals"

    >Slave labor? If someone is controlled only via memes and not via physical
    >force, is it slavery?

    : You would have to make up your
    : own mind on this subject.

    Oh, so you're not going to try and convince me? Heh.

    Why do people work hard all day for access to more expensive cars, even though income levels above 50,000 are negatively correlated with lifespan and reproduction?

    Because they're part of a “cult-ure”.

    Society is a hodgepodge of cults. The question, for me, is not “whether” cults are good or bad. The question is which cult do I feel like being a member of today?

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