You know, I think it's a serious problem that people so often identify themselves as either 'liberal' or 'conservative'. I mean, I think there are many issues where they choose their stance mostly based on which is liberal/conservative. Would the average conservative agree with every stance that he supports, if it was officially considered liberal? Or vice-versa? I know that I, personnaly, am more inclined to favor a liberal agenda than a conservative one. Would I follow a bad liberal stance instead of a good conservative one? I honestly don't know.

 kharin <> wrote:

"It is because of the existence of various conundrums like this, that although
I continue to have a lot of affinity for libertarian ideas (esp.
neo-Objectivst), on the whole I fail to feel the sense of ideological
commitment to the libertarian program that self identified Libertarians do."

"The assumption that Social Darwinism delivers more social freedom is questionable. The welfare states of, for example, Denmark and The Netherlands, abolished capital punishment decades ago and are at the forefront of progressive legislation for women, gays and ethnic minorities - not to mention cannabis and anti-censorship. "

This message was posted by kharin to the Virus 2003 board on Church of Virus BBS.

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