I have, for many years now, personally held a view of "testing" that is probably heretical to most of you. But here it is anyway:
I am a "TESTING ANARCHIST". All PRE-admission testing to schools of higher learning should be eliminated. You pay your money. You learn the material. THEN you take the tests. Let the chips fall where they may. DON'T grade on a curve. Find a standard and fucking use it. If that means flunking three-fourths of the class, well fuck 'em. That's NS. If I want to write a check to the bursar at Harvard Medical School to take Neuroanatomy III, they oughta by-god let me take it. And when I've finished all the requirements for whatever alphabet soup I want to concatenate with my name, they should confer said letters. PERIOD. Any other system of education is pure elitist bullshit, promoted by the entrenched to protect the entrenched. The reason I might enroll in Neuroanatomy III would be to LEARN Neuroanatomy III! Not to make a statement on my fitness to learn the material. They can derive that from my PERFORMANCE. DUH!!
Walter Watts
<waiting for small shitstorm from education Ph. D.'s who would have me burned at stake>
PS--And don't give me a bunch of crap about resource allocation problems. Simple, elementary, unfettered economics solves all those problems handily.