I submit that you are wrong in that this is not an insult to you, your mother, your family, or your pets but rather a criticism of your behavior on this list.  You may very well be a fine person when you aren't acting like Dick Cheney's memebot.  I accept your repasting again (since you seem incapable of making any sense on your own today) for completeness the first part of your originally pasted unoriginal quote.  The full inspired passage from your new hero goes like this.
"The report we issued last month presented more than 100
recommendations covering virtually the entire range of concerns
that face the American people. One of the concerns, obviously, is
the aging power grid the growing problem that we have in getting
electricity from the power plant to the light switch. It's clear that
we must upgrade and expand the power grid. If we put more
connections in place, we'll go a long way towards avoiding future
blackouts. Another broad aim is to increase energy supplies from
diverse sources; from oil and gas, renewables, coal, hydro and
nuclear. This is the kind of balanced approach we think is
essential if we're going to meet the country's energy needs down
the road and take care of many of our other concerns, ESPECIALLY
WITH RESPECT TO THE ENVIRONMENT"." -- Vice President Dick Cheney,
U.S. Energy Association Efficiency Forum Washington, D.C.,
June 13, 2001
the caps emphasis was my own to point out some hypocrisy which you seem to be avoiding.  I know that criticizing your new hero can seem painful to you Joe, but the sheriff can't protect you on that one, and I assume he probably tell the difference.  If you act like a memebot, and we can't point out instances where you do so, then the entire CoV lexicon is truly meaningless, and I can't imagine that anyone relevant to the decision to create intended the sheriff's position to operate this way.  If you can't play the game honestly, maybe you should try quitting, Joe.  For your own mental health if nothing else.  You obviously seem incapable of engaging in any meaningful debate.  In any case, if I really am insulting you (as you imagine), I invite you to ignore me and not respond, especially on the public list, as this only makes problems worse.  You seem to have a really ugly experiences with this problem.  Didn't your mother ever teach you not to run with scissors, and other good lessons like that?  I'm sure she did, you probably just didn't really listen.  It's never too late to learn, Joe.  Good luck.
Joe whined:
I submit this post by Jake Sapiens as an example of an insult to me
personally (re: memebot), the kind of thing that our new sheriff
supposedly forbade.  I also note that the section that specifically had to
do with power grids, namely "One of the concerns, obviously, is the
aging power grid; the growing problem that we have in getting electricity
from the power plant to the light switch.  It's clear that we must upgrade
and expand the power grid.  If we put more connections in place, we'll
go a long way towarfs avoiding future blackouts.", was cut, and then the
charge came that the comments Cheney made had nothing to do with
power grids, even those that were deleted directly addressed them.
> > Joe Dees shared the following:
> >
> > "Another broad aim is to increase energy supplies from diverse
> > sources; from oil and gas, renewables, coal, hydro and nuclear. This
> > is the kind of balanced approach we think is essential if we're
> > going to meet the country's energy needs down the road and take care
> > of many of our other concerns, especially with respect to the
> > environment." -- Vice President Dick Cheney, U.S. Energy Association
> > Efficiency Forum Washington, D.C., June 13, 2001"
> >
> > A really entertaining piece of hypocrisy.How interesting to see that
> > you value this Virian sin in your so-called "prophet", Joe. Do you
> > have any more examples of this kind of banal sinful behavior which
> > you want to offer for the heroic charge it imbues you with?Feel free
> > to keep to yourself next time.
> >
> [Joe2] Actually, I made no comment upon Cheney's connections with
> Halliburton, but I do note that a veterinarian would not be in a
> position of knowledge with respect to power grids, and further note
> that not only dod Cheney predict the problems that the northeast power
> grid recently suffered, but also if the private companies who own it
> had followed his advice and built better safeguards and redundancy
> into the system, the entire travesty might well have been averted.
> [Jake2] Actually you ONLY commented on Cheney as a prophet (re subj
> line)when you shared this. The rest of it was a simple cut and paste,
> as you rarely speak or write for yourself competently much anymore
> these days. And the above excerpt had nothing to do with power grids.
> Keep up with the conversation, Joe. I'm tired talking to the new
> memebot-Joe. Cheney didn't exactly invite any environmentalists to his
> secret smoked filled room meetings right before he and his
> Enronfriends decided to fuck up the west coast power for his personal
> financial gain. (hypocrisy) But Ken Lay was certainly very welcome. So
> does this man speak for you now, Joe? A prophet . . . I see. You must
> volunteer for minionhood rather easily. I suppose you can join Ken Lay
> and his other disciples, and start a real religious crusade to put the
> whole country (minus Texas) in the dark. There could be some real
> money in that kind of p! iracy. I hear that a lot of former Arthur
> Anderson employees can helpy'all with the accounting. They don't seem
> to be good for any other kind of honest accounting these days and can
> probably use the work, criminal though it may be. Whatever sort of
> expertise Cheney may have in power grids, he obviously hasn't
> exercised it to actually create anything worthwhile, except to show
> that he is capable of turning off the power when he really wants to
> leave liberals whowill never vote for him in the dark. Maybe if
> Florida doesn't look like it is going their way in the next election,
> they can turn off the power there too, just in casethose aging
> Floridianscan't get with new authoritarian program.
> >
> > Love,
> >
> > -Jake
> >
> >