Hi there.

Me again.

A couple of days ago, I was multi tasking with a couple of CoV windows open. One of them was with the end in mind of having a chat with Mermaid. When she poped up, I initiated a private chat window with her.

In the four or so lines that were exchanged:

First she made the assignation that she was "under surveillance."

I replied that I was waiting for her, that I "always leave a channel like this open for cases like this." (A case like this being the "spat" after last Tuesday.

Then she says that I am "harassing" her.

So I tell her I will quit the priv chat and go back to forum.

I did so.

No further attempts by me have been, nor will be made to talk with in chat until such time as she "lifts the ban."

Now. two points.

The assignations of "surveillance" and "harassment.”

1: Had I the capabilities of Lucifer, vis-ŕ-vis, a sys-op AND root owner, then there could be grounds for such a claim. As a LOGGED IN member of the CoV, whereby my presence is OPENLY declared by the system, well, this point is moot, since I don’t have those capabilities. Surveillance involves the person being surveilled not being aware of the process. Sorta invalidates it, ya know?

2: Harassment, well, …………. I approached her in a civil manner and when asked to leave, I did, and I committed no other action toward her. I left her alone. nuf sed...

Does any one in CoV have ANY instances where this course of action, this “civil regard for another” has not been followed?

Can ANY ONE point to a single instance where one member of CoV pursued another member of CoV when asked not to?

I hope not. Because that would be very uncivil, rude, self interested and hypocritical by Virian virtues were someone to act this way and then make baseless assignations of the same type against another member. And I would hate to think that anyone would form an opinion of precedent based on any such hypocrisy, let alone act on same.

So, My fellow Virians, whom do we allow to cry wolf and whom do we persecute for it? What are the exceptions in allowing such prevarication? Is gender a mitigating circumstance? Ask Zloduska if she would attempt that kind of behavior based on her genome. Is familiarity a mitigating circumstance? Ask Lucifer if he would attempt that kind of behavior based on his friendships with members. Ask any member in high standing if such prevarication is an allowable behavior. I hope it is not.

Kirk Steele
(in real life and in forum)

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