[humor] "The force is strong with this one."

Examine the necessity of recusal of owner/root in plenipotentiary matters as the power of ownership invites behavior inconsistent with the necessity of full disclosure and equipotential application of protocol and subsequent actions. Material HAS been deleted from forums without open declaration. Actions HAVE been initiated with public knowledge. These behaviors are inconsistent and incompatible with the system that is being purported in Wiki.


There has been a demonstrable dearth of meta analysis of actions recently. My recent course has been an attempt to elicit said analysis. But the ego investment in persona is so fully entrenched here, that direct resolution was not a viable option. Only though incitement and drawing out of the patterns of behavior in the public forum for all to witness can a thorough examination of the social roles in CoV be initiated. Only from this can a discussion of the inequities of inconsistent application of the expectations and realistic application of social role assignment be carried out.


David has repeatedly behaved in a manner consistent with the “my sandbox” model. Others have consistently followed his lead. I have consistently incited and invited examination of this.


Again, the force of analysis through direct illumination is insufficient to moderate self analysis. Only through the use of incitement and a degree of analytical separation can the process of self examination begin.



Question: How many psychologists does it take to change a light bulb?

Answer: None. It has to want to change.





rhinoceros <rhinoceros@freemail.gr> wrote:

Ok, the ratings do mean something, but not much more than a clue on how the community perceives your arguments and your whole attitude. We are supposed to be all for rationality. Let's assume that you have a valid point which for some reason hasn't got through.

So, what do you want? What should have been done and what should be done?

This message was posted by rhinoceros to the Virus 2003 board on Church of Virus BBS.

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