Kalkor <kalkor@kalkor.com> wrote:


Thought those of you that missed this exchange last night might enjoy it. I
certainly did! Only a small part of my reason for posting this is to
ridicule; my primary reasoning is to provide some examples of contemporary,
local debates or arguments or whatever you want to call them, that we can
all learn from.

The URL in discussion was changed during the exchange, at timestamp
~22:43:39, in this way: the body of the message was placed in a 'quote' box.

Enjoy! ;-}



[kirksteele] The "plink plink plink" of consistency once again sounds out on the Remington-Rand of dispassionate discourse above the din, din, din of irrationate (sic) blather from the current congregant trend of CoV. Small wonder, what with the inconsistencies and hypocrisies incipient in the lack of coherent direction now abounding in the “Halls of Justice.” What is popular is seldom right, and what is right is even less seldom popular.


The sandbox of the commons has been assigned the label of “experiment” by outside observers. If the progenitors of an experiment are in fact conducting an experiment, then through participation in the experiment without objective measures of control in place, the entire experiment is invalid. I assert that the title of “experiment” is invalid. I assert that the title of experiment is asserted by others to provide an air of objectivity around the “experiment.” 


Experiments are conducted to collect data, to test hypothesis’ validity, or to refute. The forum of CoV has none of this. It is not an experiment. Other, outside agencies might conduct experiments upon the data contained within the forum. The chat logs are a good example. They may be parsed for content, context, and association. Wiki is a possibly good experiment in “Emergence” theory. But the mail group and chat forums by themselves are outside the purview of scientific inquiry. The assertion that CoV is an experiment is invalid. It is, what it is, is, depending upon “what you define is as,” (Clinton) a forum of people whom gather together to achieve affiliation of cognitive and emotive schema. Period. It is a water fountain around which groupd of people congregate to trade bits of their mind. There is an implicit pretext of ostensible objectivity which can be alluded from the assertions of the principles of CoV. But they, by and large within the forum, are ignored.


Kalkor you join the good fight. In the meta analysis, Kalkor is presenting examples of the predominant modalities within the forum of CoV. I have been presenting grist for the mill in the analysis of meta modalities.  Others have tired of this. There is a commonality. The median typology or phenotype of present meme-plexes precludes objective recursion. Others that have attempted to illuminate this have done so at the cost of extensive temporal resource allocation. Once time is spent it can never be recovered.


To invite an extensive investment in time and psychic resources to the delineation of a process whereby a forum can be consistently civil and productive, only to disregard the efforts in the end is what has happened here as of late. Others whom have not participated or even less acknowledged the process have none the less invested extensive amounts of time and psychic blather to the disruption of this process. Their investment reaps the rewards of making the commons a true tragedy to behold.


DiP is a farce. Strike it from the books.





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