Most of US murders are committed in the urban areas, and most of these are committed by gangbangers who had an entirely different kind of combat training, beginning prior to puberty. 
-------Original Message-------
Date: 06/15/04 05:30:13
Subject: virus: Re:On killing
What makes me sick goes beyond the desensitization or even simple conditioning it is the worship of killing. The celebration, look i got another one, shakes me to the core. If celebration is included with desensitization and conditioning you have a training camp for sociopaths. Every year between 250,000 service members go back into civilian life. The percentage of ex-military and military is almost 25% of the population. Can we gamble with 25% of the population. Maybe only 5 % of service members will become sociopaths (I'd estimate higher). That's more than 3 million people.
As David Grossman points out video games are a problem in that they make give you great reflexes and skill but more than video games are giving people their life philosophy. So many look at the world deciding what team their on and how they rack up points without any ethical guidelines. I watched a friend of mine on sniper mode repeatedly killing people all day long, every day. IMO, If this does not get boring then there is a serious psychological problem.
Soldiers doing most the combat are young. Most soldier going into civilian life are young, one term 3-yr contracts. Most prone to becoming sociopaths,  the young. We are making time bombs that could go off. Training Columbines and Maryland snipers.
This message was posted by jubungalord to the Virus 2004 board on Church of Virus BBS.
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