Wouldn't silencing, to be fair, also have to necessarily include, in addition to Jonathan, Blunderov and myself, most of our recent posters?  Such as Walter, for one?  And Doc Sebby, for another?   Jake, and Rhino, and several others, have been transgressing any strictly interpreted boundaries, as well.  I also note that the article in question in my silencing was posted on a thread (which I neither began nor placed where it is) entitled "News Coverage as a Weapon", and was eminently germane to the topic under discussion.  I further note that I requested, in that particular thread, that if its topic or content were deemed by the moderator to be inappropriate to the list, that it be moved, in its entirety, to the BBS - and this was not done, even though everyone in the CoV, including David, must have received the request.  I beieve that these facts constitute extenuating circumstances that should, in all fairness, be taken into account in the assessment of any sentence handed down against me.
In fact, although the topic is PROVISIONALLY banned, the vote on whether such discussion should be banned on the email list is far from a slam dunk, and is, in fact, at least as close as the Bush-Gore 2000 vote was.  And considering that the topic touches on so many areas (upcoming elections, legislation and court decisions (both foreign and domestic)), it will, I believe, prove quite impossible to for the list to discuss the memetic proliferation of ideas and opinions concerning ongoing events presently occurring in the contemporary world while adhering to such a ban - which is why I reversed my original vote in favor of restricting the topic to the BBS.
If Blunderov is being allowed one post-ban post (as was Sean/Irvken) without penalty, I figure I am also owed that mulligan.  And now I will await a just, fair and wise response.
-------Original Message-------
Date: 06/17/04 02:55:03
Subject: RE: virus: Blunderov silenced
David McFadzean
Sent: 16 June 2004 23:33
Blunderov, please refrain from posting to the list or BBS for one week. See
you on June 23.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Blunderov" <squooker@mweb.co.za>
To: <virus@lucifer.com>
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 12:34 PM
Subject: RE: virus: That Dirty Feeling
> http://msnbc.msn.com/id/5217874/site/newsweek/
> <q>
> Grim Numbers
> A U.S.-sponsored poll shows Iraqis have lost confidence in the occupying
> authorities--and that the majority of Iraqis want Coalition troops out of
> the country 'immediately'
OK - if Jonathan is silenced too.
Jonathan Davis
Sent: 15 June 2004 17:58
Iraqis are returning home in droves despite the violence. Some google
generated example stories...
Joe is like the passer-by who applauds the fireman only to be scolded that
"Those firemen deserve no credit! Will they be living in the ruins? Hell no!
Would you? Hell NO! Hypocrite!".
We can only help alleviate the mess the Iraqis made (and some cases,
continue to trying to make) of their country.
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