I am NOT gonna shut about this book until someone answers my dare to read the first 5 to 15 pages of it.

So THERE!       ;p


Walter Watts wrote:

I defy you to read the first 5 to 15 pages of this book and not find your mind frenetically plotting a way to FINISH it right then, or get it home to finish as soon as possible. I've NEVER seen anyone use the English language in a more uproariously funny or exquisite manner. And EVERY PARAGRAPH is like that!!!!! Amazon Average Customer Review: *****  (five star) http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1400061849/qid=1087316284/sr=2-1/ref=sr_2_1/002-3577582-5108056 and a short bio of the author: http://www.bookreporter.com/authors/au-hendra-tony.asp I'm learning to extend my tolerance to limited acceptance of people of faith, little faith, no faith, I don't  care as long as they're pragmatic, funny and interesting. If they're not " pragmatic, funny and interesting.", they pass through my brain like a neutrino through a cheap pork chop.  Walter    


Walter Watts
Tulsa Network Solutions, Inc.

"Pursue the small utopias... nature, music, friendship, love"