Holy kreplach—the following seven quotes are all actual responses from the Surrealist Compliment Generator [with commentary]:


01  Your mother once had eyes that shone like the legs of Mae West.  [How the hell did you know that?]

02  You have not yet reached the height of your depravity.  [Well, it’s good to know that I’ll never run out of new material for my website.]

03  I love your eyes, but only with ketchup.  [They’re considered a delicacy in France.]

04  Never pet your dog when it is on fire.  [Is that some kind of sexual innuendo or something?]

05  Tribes of primitive hunters, with rhinestone codpieces rampant, should build pyramids of Chevy engines covered in butterscotch syrup to exalt the diastolic, ineffable, scintillated, and cacophonous salamander of truth which slimes and distracts from each and every orifice of your holy refrigerator, Sears be its brand.  [Huh?]

06  The shape of your ears is the totality of bedpans in a fit of cholera.  [How romantic.  Bud I bet you say that to all the guys.]

07  The expansion (and resultant rapid cooling) of your consecrated culotte sings the golden turnip with the mulatto touch-typist in my pants.  [Boy, if I had a nickel for every time I heard that!]

Walter Watts <wlwatts@cox.net> wrote:
The Surrealist Compliment Generator

(just keep hitting your browser reload button for new compliments)


It’s hard for an atheist                  
with a god complex                      
to believe in himself.     —LenKen

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