You'd think from watching the movie that Saddam's Iraq was a peaceful pastoral place filled with shiny happy kite-flying people, with no mention of the torture chambers and rape rooms and mass graves, or of his penchant for invading his neighbors.  You'd also think that Bin Laden's relatives were prime suspects in 9/11 and were flown out of the FBI's reach at Bush' behest, when in actuality they renounced the guy long ago, the FBI interviewed everyone they wanted to prior to the flight, and the flight itself was approved by Richard Clarke, and Bush was never asked.  When a congressman was asked if he had sons in the military, his answer that he had two nephews in Iraq was cut from the piece.   There are so many more cheap shots and deceptions in the movie that it has taken people a lot of time to list them, but I did post such a list, in:;action=display;threadid=30623
Go read it and get enlightened.
-------Original Message-------
Date: 07/14/04 07:53:39
Subject: virus: Re:Fahrenheit 9/11
[Joe Dees]
  Yes, and I'm sorry I padded that scam artist's pockets for that rancid
piece of shit.
Hi Joe,
What was in the movie that you thought was incorrect? Why did you resort to an ad hominem attack on Michael Moore, by calling him a scam artist?  Have you ever seen Michael Moore's "Canadian Bacon"?  I think that movie is well suited for today's political climate.  If you have seen it, what did you think of that movie?
A proud American and a proud skeptic,
This message was posted by Casey to the Virus 2004 board on Church of Virus BBS.
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