Hawking peeks inside black holes?  Is the CoV mailing list really the place for sexual innuendo?
That reminds me of something Stephen Hawking mentioned in his book The Universe in a Nutshell.  But rather than getting the book out of my bedroom and quoting the actual passage, I’ll simply pinch something from a review of that book that I just Googled—so I don’t have to get up and walk to another room to retrieve the book.  Whew!
“Stephen Hawking Explains the Big Picture”

by Deirdre Donahue, USA Today


“For a book on physics, there is an unexpected touch of the ribald to The Universe in a Nutshell.  Hawking describes a 1963 trip to Paris to present a seminar on his discovery that quantum theory meant that ‘black holes are not completely black.’  Hawking writes that it was not a big success.  First, the French scientists at that point did not believe in black holes.  And the name repelled them.  Their translation, trou noir, had ‘dubious sexual connotations.’”
source: http://www.usatoday.com/life/books/2001-12-19-stephen-hawking.htm

It’s hard for an atheist                  
with a god complex                      
to believe in himself.     —LenKen

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