Re: virus: How two cents...

Date: Thu Feb 07 2002 - 00:42:09 MST

On 6 Feb 2002 at 9:27, Bodie wrote:

> On Tue, 5 Feb 2002 wrote:
> > Saddam Hussein is still pursuing the manufacture and delivery
> > technology for weapons of mass destruction, rather than use the
> > revenues to assist his country's own people, and networking with
> > terrorist groups (an Iraqi envoy met with Mohammed Atta, the ringleader
> > of the WTC atrocity, twice in the months before the attack). They also
> > continue to attack British and US jets enforcing the no-fly zones we put
> > in place to halt genocides of Shiites in the south and Kurds in the north.
> Of corse Sadam is a bit pissed off, wouldn't you want to build up some
> arms if war planes were flying over you terrotory and periodicly bombing
> them. Last time America bombed Iraq even Clinton didn't know why. Theres
> evil on both sides
America bombs Iraqi anti-aircraft and radar installations because they paint our
aircraft with radar and attempt to shoot them down with anti-aircraft fire while
we are enforcing a no-fly zone designed to make it more difficult for Saddam
Hussein to massacre ethnic and religious minorities in his own country. Exactly
what part of this do you have a problem with? Should we just forget the no-fly
zones and let Saddam resume ethnically and religiously cleansing southern
Shiites and northern Kurds like he was doing before we instituted them?
> > It could; chlorine is a major manufacturing component in chemical
> > weapons, and equipment used to cleanse water could be modified to
> > purify toxins.
> It's a bit like refusing to give a starving man a cream pie because he
> might throw it back in your face. Water purification equipment could save
> thousands of lives of innocent people,
And chemical weapons killed 5000 Kurds in three minutes in one village alone.
> > These sanctions have been in place for three presidents. And the
> > Kurdish villagers that Saddam gassed would tell you, if they were still
> > alive to do so, just how stupid it is to supply the wherewithal to
> > manufacture such weapons to a sick, twisted and demented fuckwad
> > who has shown no compunction whatsoever about using them against
> > minorities in his own country.
> Then if they've been in place for that long it must show that the
> sanctions aren't working. Millions of people in Iraq have been murdered
> as a direct result of sanctions, and this hasn't stopped entirely the
> Iraqi attack on the kurds or sheites.
I agree; it's time for us to topple Saddam militarily.
> > The blame for that lies ENTIRELY at the feet of Saddam Hussein; do
> > you REALLY think that those poor people would see any part of an
> > increased allotment? Naah; his WMD programs, his castles and his
> > republican guards would just grow fatter, happier, more numerous, and
> > deadlier.
> Another reason why the sanctions aren't working, because all the money is
> going to the republican guard. The only way to stop the slaughter in Iraq
> it to take out the sanctions completely
No, the way is to militarily take out Saddam. You don't give a sniper more
bullets or a bigger gun; you remove him from the tower.

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