Re: virus: US Apparently going to war? DUH?

From: n0rt (
Date: Tue Mar 12 2002 - 23:49:08 MST


Thanks for supplying the articles as requested.

I concede I fucked up big time by missing your post with the British
timeline. My apologies.
Having now read the New Yorker article (thanks for posting it again) I now
have context with which to appraise your apparent contradiction and can see
the point you were making, ambigous as it was.(I did need your further
"classroom" posting to figure it out). I retract my assertion that you were
being contradictory on this issue.
I guess the error of my ways was haste. Lesson learned: ensure I have all
the info at hand before making comment.

I also agree with your reasons why you jumped on Zphobics original post
(although this was never at issue in our dialogue).

There are some unresolved contradictions still "out there" but having seen
your work in the past, I see no point in hounding you on this.

My apologies also to Cameron Crowe but I actually meant to type "show me the
monkey". I guess you did that. Im off to have a bananna.

Once again, my sincere thanks for your time.


ps. I cannot believe you asked for this in such a way. There should be
somebody with a big stick in here to reprimand you. However, I do not mind
revealing my real name but only on the condition that you ask nicely and you
promise not to deface or debase it, masturbate over, piss on, slander
against, or use in any nefarious manner. If you cannot commit to this
reasonable request then you will have to make do with n0rt. It is shorter,
easier to use, and has more negative connotations and opportunities to slag
against than my real one.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Steele, Kirk A" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2002 5:29 PM
Subject: RE: virus: US Apparently going to war? DUH?

> what you have yet to do is provide any original information, research,
> etc....... slothe.....
> Now let's address the needed development in your formal opperational
> capability......
> Now class, what was Mr Kirk saying here?
> [Kirk 1]
> ...stentorian and interminable drone of the drums of war (see CNN for
> "America-Under Siege" day 16,482) on ameriKan TV will not soon give up the
> righteous glory of the all hallowed commercial appeal of bringing the
> blasting to bitsy bits of the beleaguered bad guys...
> Joey- "Uh, that American media isn't interested in the war?"
> No, not quite, that is how it appears if you only restate what your ears
> (eyes) give you with out consideration of the relational issue involved.
> stop picking your nose. Next person.
> Kristy- "That the ameriKanners are so vastly concerned with anything that
> would dare attack the sanctity of of their anarchist ways that they have
> have every last drop of social perspectus that the world has to offer?"
> NnnnnnnnO. Hun here's a note. I want you to go see the school nurse after
> class. Tell her "the small yellow ones"
> Anybody else........
> Carl - "Well, it would appear that through juxtapostion and satire, Mr
> seeks to construct an interdependant perspective of reciprocal determinism
> whereby he simultanesously devalues the Cartesian reductionist fallacy of
> sole determinism and asserts the establishement of a triadic determinsim
> institutional agancy over the affairs of state, increasing media ignorance
> of the amerikan populace, and a decrease in the quality of pariticpating
> individual minds in the great debate."
> Uh........Yeah. That's about it. Very good Carl. Thank you.
> Now class, what have we learned?
> n0rt - "So on one hand you are saying that the US mass media is not
> interested in this issue. Yet, on the other, your reference is saying that
> it cant get enough of it. Is this interpretation too subjective?"
> Riiiiiiiight. No. That's not it n0rtie. You can stay after class today if
> you hav eany more questions.
> Everyone else, the bell is about to ring, so put away your books, and put
> your street shoes on. Remeber to hold hands when crossing the

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