RE: virus: purely metaphysical

From: ben (
Date: Wed Mar 27 2002 - 14:51:44 MST

Presently too busy/lazy for proper CoV formatting...

> >[athenonrex] who's to say there aren't beings (godly or not, you decide)
> >that can jump from universe to universe in a sea of multi verses which is
> >really a megaverse?
> >
> >[ben] Indeed! And who's to say that not only do such beings
> exist, but that
> >they are, this very "minute", arguing over whether or not there are other
> >megaverses, and whether there might be beings who can jump from
> megaverse to
> >megaverse?
> [athenonrex]
> exactly! (wait...were you just being sarcastic?)

Haha. I was both agreeing with you and being sarcastic. I agree with your
basic premise (that we don't know everything, and shouldn't assume that we
do) and at the same time feel that it is a ridiculous topic, simply because
practically speaking we cannot possibly take into account various unknown
(currently unknowable?) possibilities when deciding on courses of action -
to do so would halt all activity and very likely drive us into madness, or
at least into deeper and deeper circles of theoretical argument, the only
possible benefit of which being a hightened capacity for run on sentences
like this one.

gotta go,

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