virus: Israeli-Palestinian Inversions

From: ben (
Date: Tue Apr 23 2002 - 15:27:38 MDT

Israeli criticises Israel: (good!)

[quote]No good for Israel will come out of this adventure, as no good came
out of any of the previous adventures of Sharon. The concept of the
operation was stupid, the implementation cruel, the results will be
disastrous. It will not bring peace and security, solve no problem, but it
will isolate Israel and endanger the Jews throughout the world.

In the end, only one thing will be remembered: Our giant military machine
assaulted the small Palestinian people, and the small Palestinian people and
its leader held on. In the eyes of the Palestinians, and not only theirs, it
will look like a tremendous victory, the victory of a modern David against
Goliath. [/quote]

In this, a Palestinian soldier applauds Israeli restraint because it made
them easier to kill: (less good...)

[quote]"It was like hunting ... like being given a prize. I couldn't believe
it when I saw the soldiers," he said. "The Israelis knew that any soldier
who went into the camp like that was going to get killed."

He added: "I've been waiting for a moment like that for years."

Israel Defense Forces spokesmen have said that the decision to use infantry
to spearhead the attack – rather than using air power and artillery –
stemmed from a desire to limit civilian casualties, even at the risk of
higher IDF casualties. [/quote]

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