Re: virus: Re:Possibly not important

From: Bill Roh (
Date: Tue May 20 2003 - 13:32:53 MDT

  • Next message: jubungalord: "virus: Re:Possibly not important"

    I was about to respond to this post in my typically sarcastic, "what
    kind of dumbass are you" sorta tone. Then I stopped and decided that a
    little introspection might be in order - instrospection like: "Why do I
    get so irriatated when children post about how they are the shit and
    those that are far more intelligent, hard working and who have actually
    achieved something with themselves are simple, ego-centric, automatons
    wrapped in the chains of self indulgence"

    Well, I know the answer to all the questions:

    1> True communication happens only between equals AND time = money. Not
    only do we lack enough people of serious intellect to communicate
    meaningfully with many scientists and doctors (we are not equal) they
    have much better things to do with their time then sit in front of their
    computer and chat with us. Their "hangout" is with others of equal
    skills. Unfortunately the computer literacy you speek of is not
    meaningful or a sign of intelligence - quite the contrary, any and every
    bumpkin in the world can become computer literate in a few weeks
    (months for the seriously challenged). We are not equal and we take
    their time (money). I am fortuante to have many doctor and scientist
    friends. Many of them are in the field for months at a time - difficult
    and a waste of time, to say the least, to try to keep up regular
    computer communications. Most are atheists and have, when approached,
    expressed no interest in joining a group like ours. Though I must admit
    my friends in anthropology did seem at least glad to see that groups
    like ours exist.
    2> If you were building a bird house and wanted to attract birds, but
    none came, would you fault the bird, or the birdhouse?
    3> You make a lot of assumptions about "us" . What makes you think "Self
    and group worship" are not a problem? What makes you think we have
    escaped the "evolutionary psych trend of meme control by a social
    heiarchy"? You say "I think many intelligent people fall into the same
    ego-chasm of self indulgent praise that those scholars and religious
    people do." Are you suggesting that the intelligent people here do not
    fall into the "same ego-chasm of self indulgent praise that those
    scholars and religious people do"?
    4> And now I know why it makes me angry. When I was a kid in my late
    teens and early 20 I thought much like you have illustrated below. It
    makes me mad because of the years wasted in hypocracy. You are acting
    just like a young pseudo intellectual who has seen the light and thinks
    that no-one except your select group has seen that same light. (I'm not
    saying you are, just acting like) Fortunatley that light you have
    discovered are the taillights of harder working more intelligent people
    that are so far ahead of most that they appear as stars on the horizon.
    They are not unapproachable, it is not their fault that most people
    cannot communicate with them.

    So, sorry for being an ass to you jubungalord, it's myself I'm really
    mad at. Trust me when I tell you that these people whom your disparge,
    are just people living their lives, happily, without us. We cannot make
    hazy generalizations about such a vast group and expect positive
    actions. It seems to me that the Virian book club is going about things
    the right way, getting authors to chat and such. Currently I have a DR.
    friend that is doing a psilocybin study at the U of Arizona. I was
    considering asking him to do a 1 hour chat with us. We'll see.

    As for action - you will be heading out to Hermit's I take it? If
    everyone goes that has posted interest, you will have a full plate of
    action coming. Also, action takes many forms. Elven needs people for the
    monthly - there is some good action for you there as well - we need writers.

    Bill Roh

    jubungalord wrote:

    >Credentials don't neccesarily mean they are computer literate or intelligent. The older scholars who have the most prestige probably don't use anything besides email. Also they don't understand the importance of a hang out. In most cases I think they believe that thier slightly increased intelligence is cause by some individually special attribute like a soul. I think this deters them from participating in things that will question thier precious status like group discussions. Especially group discussions where a nobody can dispute thier reasoning. CoV is important because Self and Group worship are not a problem. No individual gains unchallengeable status. It escapes the evolutionary psych trend of meme control by a social heiarchy. The only problem I have is Action. If action is not taken we can not claim to be more intelligent or less biased or anything. If the the CoV is not trying to make changes like every other group than it's meme-plex and everything it stands for will not be replicated enough times
     to impact anything. WE have seen the meme-tactics of the most basic and simplistic organization and yet I see intelligent people everywhere still refusing to play the game. Do you think you are better than that? I think many intelligent people fall into the same ego-chasm of self indulgent praise that those scholars and religious people do. Creating change should be a reaction to the acknowledgement of being more intelligent.
    >This message was posted by jubungalord to the Virus 2003 board on Church of Virus BBS.
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    Reason - Vision - Empathy
    Tools for a healthy mind
    Bill Roh
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