Re: virus: Cultural Presuppositions and Misreadings

From: Rafael Anschau (
Date: Sat Jun 21 2003 - 16:59:49 MDT

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    On Sat, 21 Jun 2003 15:03:07 -0600
    "rhinoceros" <> wrote:

    > [rhinoceros]
    > I stumbled upon this very interesting text during my web leisure time. It is to be expected that a Chinese would see the issues of cultural presuppositions and misunderstanding more vividly than most of us.
    > Cultural Presuppositions and Misreadings
    > Full text posted in the BBS here:
    > <begin quote>
    > Abstract
    > Of the many factors that may lead to misreadings in translation, cultural presuppositions merit special attention from translators because they can substantially and systematically affect their interpretation of facts and events in the source text without their even knowing it.

    The conversation the Brazilian President Lula had with Bush yesterday is a nice example of that.
    Lula said "nossos ministros poderao trabalhar apesar de nos" our cabinet memebers will be able to
    work IN SPITE of us. Joking that the presidents could even make mistakes and the cabinet members could
    back them up. However, the American translator wisely choosed the term "independently" instead of
    "in spite" predicting that the joke would not achieve its intended meaning.




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