virus: Re:Jobs and Human History

From: athe nonrex (
Date: Fri Jul 25 2003 - 13:20:17 MDT

  • Next message: Hermit: "Re:virus: Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2003 13:17:39 -0400"

    [quote from: Hermit on 2003-07-24 at 22:14:49]
    ...I think that some of those reading this are likely to still be alive when this happens unless some asshole succeeds in blowing all of us to hell before then. A possibility which will increase dramatically as the Luddites panic when these trends become obvious.

    The question is what should we be doing about it.

    that's a good question...

    the simplist response i can think of (though, perhaps one of the more difficult to pull off) would be to somehow withdraw ourselves from the "toads" (we being the "frogs" which is to say more versitile and adaptive to change) and simply allow the toads that bedome thusly violent to this change to somehow blow themselves up instead of us. after all, even though a good deal of us here at CoV disagree on almost everything we discuss at one point or another, we usually don't go into a berzerker mode and mentality when faced with contrary ideas and even adversarianism (i don't think that's even a real word).

    but, as i said....the difficult part would be allowing the toads to destroy eachother (as i'm sure they wouldn't listen to any kind of reasoning, except the reasoning that emplores them to hasten our destruction to prevent such a turn in human evolution), whilst staying out of the "line of fire" (lest we allow this potential human evolution to be destroyed, along with us).

    there are far more simple solutions to this problem, ones that take a lot more explaining to articulate, but would probably be easier and far more feasable...mostly involving memtic engineering, as well as potential memetic warfare, though i'd hate to see any repeatition of the crusades or the jewish halocaust...

    in any scenario, it seems we'll be blessed with an old chinese curse:

    "may you live in interesting times!"

    -mo cara,

    This message was posted by athe nonrex to the Virus 2003 board on Church of Virus BBS.
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