virus: Submission for Virion Saint - George Bernard Shaw

Date: Thu Aug 07 2003 - 22:04:59 MDT

  • Next message: Kharin: "virus: Re:Shifting Ideological Sands"

    "To me God does not yet exist; but there is a creative force
    constantly struggling to evolve an executive organ of godlike
    knowledge and power: that is, to achieve omnipotence and
    omniscience; and every man and woman born is a fresh attempt to
    achieve this object.
    "The current theory that God already exists in perfection involves
    the belief that God deliberately created something lower than
    Himself when He might just as easily have created something
    equally perfect. That is a horrible belief: it could only have arisen
    among people whose notion of greatness is to be surrounded by
    inferior beings -- like a Russian nobleman -- and to enjoy the
    sense of superiority to them.
    "To my mind, unless we conceive God as engaged in a continual
    struggle to surpass Himself -- as striving at every birth to make a
    better man than before, we are conceiving nothing better than an
    omnipotent snob.
    "Also we are compelled by the theory of God's already achieved
    perfection to make Him a devil as well as a god, because of the
    existence of evil. The god of love, if omnipotent and omniscient,
    must be the god of cancer and epilepsy as well.
    "Whoever admits that anything living is evil must either believe
    that God is malignantly capable of creating evil, or else believe
    that God has made many mistakes in His attempts to make a
    perfect being. But if you believe, as I do... that the croup bacillus
    was an early attempt to create a higher being than anything
    achieved before that time, and that the only way to remedy the
    mistake was to create a still higher being, part of whose work
    must be the destruction of that bacillus, the existence of evil
    ceases to present any problem; and we come to understand that we
    are here to help God, to do His work, to remedy His old errors, to
    strive towards Godhead ourselves.
    "I put this very roughly and hastily; but you will have no trouble in
    making out my meaning. It is all in Man and Superman; but
    expressed in another way -- not in the way that an uneducated
    man can understand. You said that my manner in that book was
    not serious enough -- that I made people laugh in my most earnest
    moments. But why should I not? Why should humour and laughter
    be excommunicated? Suppose the world were only one of God's
    jokes, would you work any the less to make it a good joke instead
    of a bad one?"
    George Bernard Shaw (in a letter to Leo Tolstoy, circa 1919)

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