virus: And why...

Date: Mon Aug 18 2003 - 12:13:18 MDT

  • Next message: Church Of Virus: "virus: Whatever happened to the middle?"

    ...don't you self-styled yet abusive and slanderous high-mindeders
    embrace the flensing of the 'Best of" thread of its shallow-minded
    detritus, HUNH? Too REASONABLE for you?
    I expect neither less nor more of Hermit than to attempt to attack me at
    every turn; what I find inexpressibly sad is the nasty piling-on behavior
    recently evinced by his old and new partners in bullying
    (conspiratorially co-ordinated off-list, I'm Shure), beginning with the
    ranking systems (which amply demonstrate that my hopes that the list
    membership could be truly objective in their evaluations was premature
    and misplaced), and culminating in the recent manifesto of scurrilous
    attack. Truth here is becoming a victim of mutual backslapping
    popularity born of shared dogma. They seem to feel that they must
    dogmatically cleanse the list of any vestige of dissent from their
    memeplexii, and make this not a list ABOUT memeplexes, but just
    another memeplex-dominated site (this has been Hermit's expressed
    plan all along). Continue your jihad if you feel you are ideologically and
    politically driven to do so, but realize that you are endeavoring to morph
    this list from a Church of Virions to a Cult of the Virally Infected (and all
    by the selfsame strain, which will brook no deviations from its

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