Re: virus: Fred Reed on Religion...

From: Walter Watts (
Date: Tue Sep 02 2003 - 02:34:10 MDT

  • Next message: Walter Watts: "Re: virus: Fred Reed on Religion..."

    Blunderov wrote:

    > An amusing essay - it rather confirms my observation that, these days, a
    > Xtian would almost rather set fire to his own bible than offer a
    > definition of the god of which he is so fond of asserting the existence.
    > This for the simple reason that either such a definition is instantly
    > falsifiable or is so trite as to not be worth offering at all. They have
    > been painted into a tiny corner which seems to consist of the assertion
    > that there is in existence something unknowable called god. Their
    > explanations of how it is that they know something unknowable are
    > likewise feeble and they have to resort to other tactics like trying to
    > shift the burden of proof onto the unbeliever.


    I proffer one of my old, dog-eared retorts to the "babble" believers (quite trite in
    its own right):

    "I liken religion to a long running blockbuster movie (blockbuster because parents
    will bust their childrens' blocks if they don't attend every chance they get) that
    has turned the usual short-term suspension of disbelief common at theatrical
    productions into a permanent suspension of disbelief. A suspension extended over the
    whole of a child's formative years. As the hymn says, "Will the circle be unbroken?"
    In the name of everything that is true and reasonable I sure hope so!!! When the
    final credits are finally run at this "blockbuster", and the masses see it was
    written, produced, directed and acted by man and man alone, there will indeed be some
    gnashing of teeth, and it won't be over the money they spent on popcorn."

    Walter Watts
    Tulsa Network Solutions, Inc.
    "Reminding you to help control the human population. Have your sexual partner spayed
    or neutered."
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