virus: Spocks

From: rhinoceros (
Date: Tue Oct 28 2003 - 09:24:41 MST

  • Next message: "virus: FROM: "Erik Aronesty" <>"

    I am copying some bits from the Skeptics newsletter.

    <Shermer about the Brights>
    My favorite suggested alternative is Spocks.
    Live long and prosper.

    <from a reader's letter>
    Question: How many Brights does it take to change a lghtbulb?

    Answer: "Look, it's not that I have anything against lightbulbs in general, in fact I think they're a good idea -- but changing it is going to be counterproductive, and simply implies to the public that we just can't handle the darkness."

    This message was posted by rhinoceros to the Virus 2003 board on Church of Virus BBS.
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