Re:virus: I have a good idea

From: David Lucifer (
Date: Wed Nov 26 2003 - 07:57:10 MST

  • Next message: Erik Aronesty: "Re: virus: Zionism, Anti-Semitism and American Democracy"

    [metahuman] Radiance is not a virtue nor a sin. It is a degree of being. This is how you described it.

    [Lucifer] Radiance is not a virtue or a sin or a degree of being. It is an idea. The virtues are virtues by virtue of the fact (heh) that they are aspects of Radiance. The sins are sins because embracing them will lead you away from Radiance.

    [metahuman] Scientology uses "Clear" as their degree of being. Radiance, Enlightenment (as in Buddhism), and Clear are all too dramatic and retain features of a dream world.

    [Lucifer] Don't forget that Christians aspire to a state of grace and salvation. What is the alternative to having a state of being to aspire to? Apathy?

    [metahuman] The following is excerpted from one of my papers. As usual, new ideas must be analyzed using SWOT. If that new idea affects how the product is marketed, it must be looked at more closely.

    [Lucifer] I agree with your description of branding. I agree we have to design our brand carefully. I don't see how we can avoid promoting good ideas just because other religions (that we may not agree with) also try to promote their own ideas.

    This message was posted by David Lucifer to the Virus 2003 board on Church of Virus BBS.
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